The Minor Prophets

Ambassador College, 1987

Gary Antion

Scroll down through the audio files listed below and select the one you wish to listen to by clicking on the "Listen" link above the file description. If this index file does not open automatically when you insert this CD into your computer drive, or for other general information View This CDs More Information file

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And Now The Lecture files

01 [Listen]
Introduction to Minor Prophets

02 [Listen]
Hosea introduction, chapters 1 - 2:7

03 [Listen]
Hosea 2:7 - end of chapter 3

04 [Listen]
Hosea 4 - 5

05 [Listen]
Hosea 6 - Hosea 8:2

06 [Listen]
Hosea 8:3 - Hosea 10:8

07 [Listen]
Hosea 10:8 - end of chapter 12

08 [Listen]
Hosea 13 - 14

09 [Listen]
Joel 0 Joel 2:11

10 [Listen]
Joel 2:11 - end of book

11 [Listen]
Amos 1 and 2

12 [Listen]
Amos 3 - end of book

13 [Listen]

14 [Listen]
Jonah 1-2

15 [Listen]
Jonah 3, Micah 1:9

16 [Listen]
Micah 1:10 - Micah 4:5

17 [Listen]
Micah 4:5 - Nahum

18 [Listen]

19 [Listen]
Habakkuk and Zephaniah

20 [Listen]
Zephaniah and Haggai

21 [Listen]
Haggai - Zechariah 1

22 [Listen]
Zechariah 2 - 6

23 [Listen]
Zechariah 7 - 10

24 [Listen]
Zechariah 11-14

25 [Listen]
Malachi (given by Dr. Donald Ward)